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Visocica pyramid in central Bosnia is larger that the Great Pyramid in Egypt. 2 December 2005

Comparisons between the pyramidal complexes in Egypt and Mexico have revealed that the Bosnian pyramid is 220m high; the Great Pyramid measures 145m, while the highest pyramid in the Mexican complex is 75m.
Bosnian explorer Semir Osmanagić, who discovered the pyramidal structure in Bosnia believes that all three pyramids were constructed during the same period, with the Bosnian pyramid the last to be built. Visocica is one third higher than the Great Pyramid in Egypt, which is itself one third higher than that in Mexico. He believes that they could even have all been built by the same peoples.



Pyramids in Egupt



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BOSNIAN PYRAMID - The first European Pyramid discovered in BOSNIA




Map Of Bosnia's Valley of The Pyramids
Map of Visoko Valley



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Tunel Ravne interactive map