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Survey of Remote Sensing Techniques Used for Anomaly Detection at the Presumed “Pyramid” near Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina 20 March 2006

This report was generated pro-bono on a request made by the scientific advisory board of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun – The Archaeological Park Foundation. This is an independent remote-sensing site assessment report, without a-priori knowledge of the site, its findings are preliminary and pending field verification by the subject-matter-expert personnel. report




Survey of Remote Sensing Techniques Used for Anomaly Detection at the Presumed “Pyramid” near Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina 20 March 2006

This report was generated pro-bono on a request made by the scientific advisory board of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun – The Archaeological Park Foundation. This is an independent remote-sensing site assessment report, without a-priori knowledge of the site, its findings are preliminary and pending field verification by the subject-matter-expert personnel. report

Listen to former BBC radio presenter Guy Leigh interviewing Sam Osmanagic about his spectacular find of "The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun" . ( listen



Experts from Egypt are coming to Bosnia's Valley of Pyramids.. 22 Janury 2006



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BOSNIAN PYRAMID - The first European Pyramid discovered in BOSNIA





Map Of Bosnia's Valley of The Pyramids
Map of Visoko Valley



Tunel Ravne skica
Tunel Ravne interactive map