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International experts sought for pyramid excavations


The official foundation responsible for the

Bosnian pyramid excavations

(Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of Sun)

has announced that it will be creating a team

of international experts to work,

on a voluntary basis, in helping guide the project.

It is now seeking international experts with backgrounds in scientific disciplines including archaeology, geophysics, geology, palaeontology, and history to help advise the future development of the project.

Those on the advisory team will comprise international experts involved with pyramid exploration and will be headed up by an archaeologist with practical experience of digging pyramids in Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Algeria and Belise. There will be five to seven members in the advisory team.

The advisory team will have two roles: To give practical advice to improve the existing programme of exploring, excavation, restoration and the long term protection of the pyramid complex; and to release the internationally-verified scientific results of the exploration to the press

The project is developing a growing international standing. The international advisory team will enable the presentation of new developments to the world media, opening the door to the support of international institutions for the protection of culture and monuments. The project team will also aim to attract sponsorship support.

The Foundation has been inundated with offers of support and practical help from people, from all walks of life, who would like to become involved in the largest archaeological project in Europe this year.

Local and foreign volunteers, with and without experience, are becoming involved and starting to work on the project. They are being housed locally and coordinated by the Foundation.

Investors, tourist guides, and other interested people are advised to contact the Foundation at:

The Foundation website will be launched imminently.



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